The Cellists of TMO debuted in 2013 and have become an audience favourite, renowned for their wide range of unique and intoxicating repertoire from Apocalyptica, Bach, Byrd, Piazzolla, Mancini, Purcell, Paert and more! Through classics to jazz, tango to avant-garde, these virtuosic players showcase their vast abilities and the remarkable range of the cello. Appearing as a Cello Quartet on board Bravo! Cruise of the Performing Arts, udiences will be dazzled with a mixture of light humour and deep passion, which appeals to listeners of all ages and tastes. The Cellists of TMO are all members of The Metropolitan Orchestra (
Marina Prior
Marina Prior is known as the Leading Lady of Australia’s Musical Theatre. Marina’s first professional audition resulted in her first..
Tommy Fleming
Tommy is regarded as one of the finest singers and actors worldwide and is currently enjoying a hugely successful career…
Melinda Schneider Does Doris Day
After forging a dazzling country music career that has won her 6 Golden Guitars, and stunning audiences on Dancing with..
The Three Waiters
The Three Waiters is an international award winning act involving performers masquerading as “real” catering staff before taking an unsuspecting audience..
Antonio and Kate Villano
Italian born Pop Classical singer Antonio Villano and New Zealand Soulstress Kate Lara Villano have entertained and stunned audiences all..
Jazz at the Movies
Did you know many of the great jazz standards were first heard in the cinema? Moreover, many of these great..
Bravo Quartet
Resident on board Bravo! Cruise of the Performing Arts since it first set sail in 2013 and a favourite with..
Bev Kennedy
Bev Kennedy is generally regarded as one of Australia’s leading Musical Directors & accompanists, having worked on over 30 professional..
Grace and Hugh, with Dan Barnett
Musical forces join together for this special Bravo collaboration. Hugh Scott Murray (Stomping Ivories; Big Ol Bus Band) and Grace..
James Morrison
The name “James Morrison” is known throughout the world for his sheer brilliance as a jazz musician and an all..
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