The Cellists of TMO debuted in 2013 and have become an audience favourite, renowned for their wide range of unique and intoxicating repertoire from Apocalyptica, Bach, Byrd, Piazzolla, Mancini, Purcell, Paert and more! Through classics to jazz, tango to avant-garde, these virtuosic players showcase their vast abilities and the remarkable range of the cello. Appearing as a Cello Quartet on board Bravo! Cruise of the Performing Arts, udiences will be dazzled with a mixture of light humour and deep passion, which appeals to listeners of all ages and tastes. The Cellists of TMO are all members of The Metropolitan Orchestra (
A musical revue celebrating the legendary Broadway composer and jazzman Cy Coleman. Amanda Harrison (Wicked), Chelsea Renton-Gibb (Chicago) and..
Antonio and Kate Villano
Italian born Pop Classical singer Antonio Villano and New Zealand Soulstress Kate Lara Villano have entertained and stunned audiences all..
Bravo Quartet
Resident on board Bravo! Cruise of the Performing Arts since it first set sail in 2013 and a favourite with..
Screen Sinatra: Frank in film
While Frank Sinatra was not a jazz singer per se, every jazz singer acknowledges Sinatra. Indeed Miles Davis said..
The Kermond Variety Show
Join three generations of the Kermond clan – Warren, his son Wayne, and grandson Zan – in a show-stopping tribute..
The Three Waiters
The Three Waiters is an international award winning act involving performers masquerading as “real” catering staff before taking an unsuspecting audience..
James Morrison
The name “James Morrison” is known throughout the world for his sheer brilliance as a jazz musician and an all..
Giuseppina Grech
Australian-Italian Soprano Giuseppina Grech is a versatile performer with repertoire spanning a number of genres including opera, operetta and musical..
Brad Child’s Quartet
Bradford Child has been a fixture on the Sydney jazz scene for 30 years. He has performed as a leader..
Cathrine Summers
“You’ve got it girl!” – a throw-away comment made recently by a celebrity music manager to jazz performer Cathrine Summers..
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